Mission, Vision, Values

THE MISSION: SOUNDS Academy transforms lives by empowering youth through teaching music and character values, with a commitment to reaching underserved communities. Through music, we ignite each student’s potential, mentoring tomorrow’s leaders who are ready to create a successful future for themselves and their communities.

THE VISION: One day, every child, regardless of their zip code, has access to the transformative impact of music education and character development, in order to foster personal growth and strengthen communities. We envision a community of young leaders who inspire and uplift each other, cultivating a deep sense of belonging and purpose.

THE VALUES: At SOUNDS Academy, we immerse our students in five core character values through the power of music education, shaping them into well-rounded individuals who thrive in school, work, and life.

  • Creativity: In music, curiosity, open-mindedness, and risk-taking are qualities that allow students to express themselves uniquely. We teach students to be innovative thinkers and problem-solvers in all aspects of life.
  • Leadership: Playing music requires self-discipline, accountability, and courage. We teach students to lead with confidence, take initiative, and make a positive impact beyond the stage.
  • Resilience: Mastering a piece of music requires a determination to learn from mistakes and a desire to overcome them. We teach students to bounce back from setbacks and continuously improve, equipping them to handle life’s challenges.
  • Teamwork: Playing in an ensemble emphasizes the importance of collaboration to reach a common goal. We teach the value of playing together to produce results unattainable by a solo performer.
  • Perseverance: Learning an instrument requires consistent practice, effort, and dedication over time. We teach our students to remain committed to achieving their goals, no matter the obstacles they encounter.

SOUNDS Academy Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion (DEAI) Statement

SOUNDS Academy is committed to fostering, cultivating, preserving, and promoting a culture of diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion in all areas of our organization. Embedded in the fabric of our foundation and culture, we believe that music has the power to unite and transform lives, and we are dedicated to ensuring that every student, teaching artist, supporter, and community member feels valued, supported, and empowered.

Our goal is to create an inclusive environment that welcomes people from all backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. We embrace and celebrate differences in age, ability, race, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, national origin, family structure, and other characteristics that contribute to the richness of our community.

SOUNDS Academy’s commitment to DEAI extends across all aspects of our organization, including our programs, policies, hiring practices, and partnerships. We pledge to actively work toward breaking down barriers in music education by:

  • Providing resources and training to increase awareness and understanding of diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion for staff, teaching professionals, students, and board members.
  • Ensuring access to high-quality music education by offering scholarships, instrument loans, and financial assistance to students from underserved communities.
  • Embedding DEAI principles into all relevant practices and processes, ensuring that our curriculum, outreach, and engagement efforts reflect the diverse voices and needs of our students and families.
  • Fostering a culture of belonging, where all students and educators feel safe, supported, and respected.
  • Building strong partnerships with like-minded organizations to expand opportunities for students and advocate for systemic change in music education.

Our vision is to create a future where one day, every child, regardless of their zip code, has access to the transformative impact of music education and character development, in order to foster personal growth and strengthen communities; regardless of their background or circumstances. We are preparing ourselves today to ensure a more inclusive and equitable tomorrow, where character development and music continues to be a tool for empowerment, self-expression, and connection.

We recognize that diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion require ongoing commitment and action. We welcome collaboration, feedback, and dialogue as we strive to uphold these values and make a lasting impact in our community.